As one of the leaders of the Blender community, I want to give our friends in Ukraine a signal that they are on our mind. Their current tragedy is unimaginable and I can only hope they and their loved ones are safe. If you can still read this - stay strong, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
As long as this situation lasts, we will carry the Ukrainian flag in our logo to show our support. You can also add a ‘flair’ to your Avatar to show your personal support. To activate this, first join the Ukraine Support group, and then visit your Preferences page, scroll down and select the flair. It will look like this:
I haven't had time yet to make similar changes to BlenderNation. There's also no logo on paid header promotions, but I'm thinking about a solution and BlenderNation will join in the support too.
Thx Bart!
Thank you!
As a russian here, I just want to say - my heart and mind with Ukrainian people now. Everyone I know here are totally against this madness, and we are speaking our minds publicly, even though our government ignoring us at least or trying to shut our mouth at most. Ukrainians, stay strong!
God bless Ukraine!
Thank you so much for your support, we really need it! Our cities are being bombed and civilians are being killed, something is happening that should never have happened!
Thanks Bart!
Thanks a lot!
I fully support this show of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
But let's not forget that this is Putin going to war, not the Russian or BeloRussian people.
I'm sure the individual members of the Russian and BeloRussian Blender communities are just as heartbroken as the rest of us.
Power and Strenght to Ukraine!
Thanks Bart!
Thank You!!!
I'm from Poland. I strongly believe that Putin is not Russia. Ordinary Russians certainly don't want war! At the same time, I support the Ukrainians with all my heart and I believe that they will win this war. For me, they already won! Kick the ass of those who set foot on your ground without your permission! Kick Putin's ass!
Slava Ukraine!