Rybergs revisited their beach scene from three years ago as a study.
I haven't worked on anything in D for a while so I thought this was a good project to redo my beach scene from 3 years ago.
So I started looking at pictures and even used Bing's AI to make some reference images (first time I did that) and started to work. So first I thought that I needed a nice terrain and the fastest way was just to manually sculpt it and throw in some different textures, and then cover some keypoints with assets.
I wanted to try to remain in Blender for all sculpting texturing, pretty much everything. I used some assets from Quixel Bridge and then grass, trees and stones from Geo-Scatter and cggeek.
I would say it took me around a week from start to finished and i think they ocean took me the most time. I even tried to go the geonodes way with geometry for they waves but i ended up with just a lot of textures instead :slight_smile: