Hey folks, quick update from my side: submitting an article or header graphic now requires you to log in. This has nothing to do with security but instead with community conversation: previously, articles were submitted anonymously and if anyone commented on it, only I would receive the notification. By logging in before you submit something you will become the 'author' and you'll be notified when someone comments on your article.
As a bonus, you'll be able to see your previous articles (click on the author name) and if your reputation is good enough I can give you editing access to maintain your own posts.
I hope this will help make it easier for everyone to reach the amazing artists, developers, educators and other community members who write articles on BlenderNation!
I see that the logged in, but why then when you press the "Submit to story" I re redirected to the login, and when re-enter your password - get into a profile, and from there I can not "Sumbit to story", coming back to the site, he had me already does not remember, and the cycle repeats itself ....
Hmm that is not right. Could you try logging in using the login link in the top navigation? Does that work?
Ah, it seems caching is too aggressive on the submission page. Just reload it to get the right contents. I'll fix that.
The fact that I went there, and the site sees me .... but the function "Submit news" or "Submit YOUR Story" sends a re-login, and from there into the profile ... I tried in Chromium and Firefox by linux ... can in this case?
No, it's caching. Try reloading the page, that should fix it as a workaround. Let me know if that worked?
Yes thank you!
...and now for something completely different: regarding the news, why is it for some time now that there are no more links to "previous article" and "next article" anymore? Because sometimes I can't keep up reading all the articles that are posted, so I just read the latest and then went back to previous articles until I reach the one I read on my last visit.
Now that's not possible anymore, and the "recent news" on the top right are sometimes less articles than I missed. Is there a chronical overview of all news articles somewhere that I am just to blind to see?
Best regards,
Nice catch! Somehow that got disabled. I've added them back to the article template. It may take some time before all the caches clear, but you should at least see it on this page already.
I do! Thanks for changing it so quickly. I would have asked earlier, but I I thought it also was a new feature ;-)
Totally understand, I think it will be an improvement to your website. I am guessing you get some spam should help to stop some of that too. :D Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the blender community.
Thanks John!
Obvious attempt to farm email addresses.
Obviously. It took me ten years to work up to this point, but now I can FINALLY start spamming the Blender community! [evil cackle]
What is the first name of the Blender lead developer?
what is the answare?
I have re-worded the question to 'What is the first name of the founder of Blender?'. You will be able to figure that out ;-)
Hello Blender Nation ... I am Mu'taz and I am from Sudan .. I work in the Blinder program of two years ... but unfortunately I did not achieve great things .... I want to learn how to make a video game .. Is it possible to find someone knows me So I'll wait .. And thank you.
I tried to register but the generated password did not work and I'm now locked from trying again. The Contact link just takes me to the Submit News page, so I am unable to contact anyone. If you don't mind, would you please help me set up an account so I can start submitting stories? Thank you in advance!
I just sent you an email.
Looking for A Blender Artist for a work-for-hire with an ongoing opportunity. How fo I go about posting on this site.
There's a section on Blender Artists where you can post that: https://blenderartists.org/c/jobs/paid-work
Hello. I can’t add news to the site https://youtu.be/-65ztfzk7U8 Am I doing everything right? After adding the news I do not receive a notification email. I have tried it many times already.
I have also been trying to contact you by email for a long time, but nobody answers me. Tell me what am I doing wrong?
Sorry for the trouble here - I replied to your email.
Hey Bart! I'm actually having the same problem. I, too, have been trying to upload posts for about a month now. I've done exactly what the video says to do, as I've always done. And I've got an email confirmation for every one of the posts I upload. I've also sent you a few follow up emails. However, nothing seems to get posted or recognized, nor have I haven't anything from you or the team.
I've uploaded 5 or 6 posts and only one of them made it through. If you wouldn't mind sending me an email or at least helping me get back on track uploading, that would be awesome. I'm guessing it's a glitch or I'm doing something wrong. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
There was an issue with an over aggressive spam check on that form and I removed it a few days ago. Could you try again and send me an email after that? I'd like to make sure everything works as intended now.
Hey Bart! I just uploaded another post, received a confirmation, and sent you a follow up email. Let me know if you received them. Thank you for all your help!
Hey Bart! On March 9th 2019 I sent you a reply to an email you sent me. I haven't heard anything back yet. Did you receive that or did not it not get through?
Sorry! I replied to your mail.
No worries! I just replied to the email confirmations as you directed. Thank you!
Ok, so maybe it's me, but it seems like every single time, this is how I interact with your articles...
I see the title image for the article, with the facebook/twitter share links. Now maybe it's because I'm used to those showing up at the bottom of an article, but unless I'm really thinking about it, I interpret this title image as a link to the article. So I click on that image. But it's not a link to an article, it's just and image, oh ok, so let's close the image. Now it's pretty standard UI that the X button in the top right means close this thing. But for this image, what looks like an X has little arrows on it, so now the image is full screen. Ugh. ok, how do I close this? Where's the X, Oh yea, they're at the bottom right. Who puts a close icon on the bottom right? So now I finally scroll down to find the article. Maybe don't make your title images a link?
Anyway, other than that, and the subscribe popup I always see because I auto delete cookies when closing the browser, I love the site. Hang in there, soon maya/modo/and everything else will join Lightwave in the graveyard and you'll be one of the biggest 3d sites out there.
I've been trying to reset my password but the password doesn't reset. What happens is it either generates a new password but doesn't accept it in the login or if I type my own new password - it doesn't get accepted as the new login either. Can you fix that?
Hey ,
I found Security Vulnerability in your web application ,which can harm site as well as users too.For security purpose can we report vulnerability here,then will i get bounty bounty reward in PayPal or Bitcoin for Security bug ?Thanks,
Independent Security researcher
If you find a vulnerability you shoudl submit it to WordPress, we don't pay bounties.
Would somebody fix this site please. If you get locked out, which I did last night, it doesn't ever reset the log in page so I can retrieve a new password. Nor does it allow me to contact somebody because to use contact you need to log in.
Wordfence blocked me
after I tried to login
on creating my account password.
Can you fix this, please ?
Sorry, I wrote a new comment.
Something in this site posted this as a reply to you.
Wordfence blocked me
after I tried to login
on creating my account password.
Can you fix this, please ?
Please contact me at bart@blendernation.com about this.
Hello I am trying to register on your website but it is asking me question "What is the first name of the founder of Blender?"
I tried "Bart" but it is not accepting can you please tell me the answer?
It's not me, the answer is not too hard to find :)