Comments on: How to Achieve Realism in 3D Daily Blender Art, Tutorials, Development and Community News Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:37:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: MR.Tyde Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:37:27 +0000 In reply to Marc.

Blendernation is more of a news place. Its pretty good one with great information. I'd love to hear what you find. Blendernation is very civilized. As everywhere else it's important to be respectful, not to trip the mines of conflict, so we can help each other finding solutions for our every problems. I am sure you will soon find the many facets and the vast knowlege of us, the Blender community very appealing. :D

What we all share in common is the will to build a community of positive connection and the chase of progress (in the most effective and sometimes also in the most ineffective way ;D). We dislike hate, you wont find a lot here. Here is were everyone has the "chance to shine". If you take the time, are factual and learn the tools, help your peers you will be good. :D

If you find some good resources, let us know :D

By: Marc Thu, 12 Oct 2023 12:00:30 +0000 Thank you. Yes, I do agree, Discord might really be a good option. I have visited a few servers in the past and while there were quite nice people around ("nice" as in "helpful, respectful"), there were always the SHIELDXX types that froze many of those nice people out after a short time. I join into your search for "the great discord"
Blenderartist I will have another look for sure, it feels slightly more civilized than blendernation(?).

By: MR.Tyde Wed, 11 Oct 2023 06:38:02 +0000 In reply to Marc.

There are some forums like A lot of blenderer upload their works here like this one:
I'd recommend checking it out. While structuralwise the forum has some things that could be improved (imo), like pictures in the overviews and newest posts first not last, its a great place to get some information.
Another great resource is Discord. There are a lot of creators having Blender Discord server. I just dont know which are good right now. If someone knows some big Blender Discord servers I'd love to know :D

By: Shieldxx Tue, 10 Oct 2023 12:13:21 +0000 No wonder, your attitude seeps from you. If you want to be a part of a great community, you don't just mock everyone around, and if you do, the community doesn't even want you to be a part of it.

By: Marc Mon, 09 Oct 2023 14:02:52 +0000 Thank you, Mr. Tyde,

Youtube I try to avoid at almost any cost. I deleted my over 500 tutorials that I uploaded over close to 15 years and really try not to visit that site. Learning-wise I am fine with digging my way through it (Blender and other things) :-)

Not sure if Pinterest is a platform for in-depth discussions? Never visited that intentionally.

I am old-school. I don't do Facebook, Instagram, Twix (or whatever that Musk-guy is calling his toys today) or any of those things :-)

There's a lot I would love to discuss and experiment (with limited time, I get paid for results, not for gimmicks) around blender and blender-in-a-pipeline, really. I'd just prefer a real forum/billboard, not some endless scroll-torture-devices ...

By: MR.Tyde Mon, 09 Oct 2023 09:20:11 +0000 In reply to Marc.

To be honest I think you just havent been blessed by the algorithm just jet. Especially Blendernation is a great resource for new technics try hopping to earlier posts.
For the "professional community", it's true that those guys like to hide a bit. To find the stuff I would recommend browsing youtube on "new videos" not "recommended" as the algorithm of yt is kind of in the gutter right now.
Great channels are
- Wenbo Zhao
- Interactiv
-Derek Elliott

Pinterest is a great place to find all kinds of stuff
- Welpix | CGI Photography Pinterest
And here is the pinterest list I actively use myself. I recommended this one a few times already. Maybe this helps.

This is where you find the Vibrant community. Its here ;D

By: aumission Mon, 09 Oct 2023 08:51:26 +0000 Anecdotal but I apprecite your input. Have a great day.

By: Bart Mon, 09 Oct 2023 06:12:36 +0000 In reply to Shahbaz.

What do you mean? Is this question even related to this article?

By: Shahbaz Mon, 09 Oct 2023 06:07:35 +0000 Please share update regarding blender

By: Peter SOCHA Sun, 08 Oct 2023 15:00:02 +0000 Great article thank you for posting.
