After posting 'Blender for PocketPC revived' earlier this week, Joel Schlosberg asked me about the history of the Blue Alien character. I talked to Ton and did some digging on the internet and I can now proudly present you the shortened biography of our blue friend :)
The alien was originally a character in a game called ‘HardMashed' that was made as a demo for the Game Developers Conference [GDC] 2001 by NaN's content team. I think it was one of the most complex projects they did and one of the best productions of the NaN content team ever.

NaN's old game department: Reevan McKay, Randall Rickert (well hidden ;-), Willem Paul van Overbruggen, Joeri Kassenaar, Freid. Photo by Joeri Kassenaar.
If you want to have a look for yourself, the original file is available from the Blender site, bundled with some other games. I'm not sure why, but you have to switch to another scene and then back to the '' scene to see him. Oh, AND you'll see the blue alien girl, too :)
While looking for information, I also ran across a photograph of the NaN booth at the GDC:

It was so funny that it turned into a mascot that was used everywhere. While he was carrying a gun in the original game, his character changed and he seemed to be in a perpetual panic. In the Blender Trailer (Made Joeri Kassenaar, Willem Paul van Overbruggen and Janco Verduin) he was already losing his wits.

After that he appeared in the announcement for the OS X release:

And of course the famous Blender for IPAQ release. We had a web-plugin version of him then too, but as the web-plugin is no longer supported I can't show it here.

The end of his career was when he was trying to sell e-shop products on the homepage. Again in a state of panic, he failed miserably and was sent to his retirement.

what's up man, greetings from mexico!
Is there anyway you could upload this game cuz it seems pretty cool, I've seen it before but I haven't had the change to play it...
And also if you could get some tutorials about how to create games it would be great, I already know how to animate but everytime I look for some info about creating games I cannot find anything so... anyhow I hope you could help me.
By the way this is such a nice web duce.
The link to the game is in the text above.. I'll try to collect some game related stuff soon!
Great to see this character again, thanks Bart
Hi Ian,
long time no see! Nice to see you here :)
Thanks for the article. It's been ages since I last saw that Blender Trailer, or the animated alien :)
Photo under curtacy of J.Kassenaar...