Comments on: ResPower Super/Farm Supports Blender Daily Blender Art, Tutorials, Development and Community News Thu, 12 Jan 2006 20:01:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: bart Sun, 08 Jan 2006 08:52:35 +0000 /2006/01/06/respower-superfarm-supports-blender/#comment-6 Hmm that doesn't sound too good; I'll contact them and see what they have to say about that. Also, on, rcas suggested that they donate a one month account so that someone can write a proper review. It will be interesting to see their reply.

By: Enriq766 Sun, 08 Jan 2006 00:12:15 +0000 /2006/01/06/respower-superfarm-supports-blender/#comment-5 I have never herd of anyone actualy using them..

However, Someone from that site came to elysiun and posted under about 5 diffrent names praising the service. The post was locked. Seems a litte shady to me. Possible scam?
