Here's some cool news I just *have* to share with you: yesterday I booked a flight and a hotel in Boston which means that I'll be going to Siggraph together with Ton and a third Blenderhead who has yet to reveal himself. Oh, happy day! (Read on to see why this is good news for you, too)
Our plans
In the previous years, there was a lot of excitement in the community about the exhibition, but *during* Siggraph there was very little information on what was actually going on. Having your own booth and making sure everything runs smoothly is exhausting, so people never took the time to report regularly from the exhibition floor. I found that because of this the interest quickly faded once the show really started. BlenderNation is going to change that: our goal is to make the entire community part of what's going on in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.
But that's not all: if all goes well and if we can afford the bandwidth, we will go one step beyond regular blogging and create a daily videoblog with exhibition impressions, interviews and looks behind the scenes. It'll be the next best thing to actually being there! (And as a bonus you'll get to hear our funny Dutch accent ;-).
Travel Schedule
For those who are interested, my travel itinerary is as follows:
Saturday July 29th - arrive in Boston
Sunday July 30th - Attend the Blender Birds of a Feather meetings
Monday July 31st - Try to get rid of jetlag, help build up Open Source Pavillion
Tuesday August 1st - Siggraph Exhition Begins
Friday August 4th - Spend a day in Boston
Saturday August 5th - fly back to Amsterdam
We'll probably hang out in a bar or a restaurant in the area of the Convention Center after the show so if you live in the Boston area and you'd like to meet fellow Blenderheads, then come on over! (Ton mentioned that he has heaps of free exhibition tickets available; keep an eye on this site for more info).
By the way, if you're interested sponsoring the video reports and have your name (or your own commercial) show up in a prominent place, you know where to contact us. Our estimate is that each video will be seen by more than 10,000 Blender users and other 3D users worldwide. If you have another offer that could lead to more copious dinners, extravagant parties and free beer for the team, we're all ears ;-)
nice one :)... good luck... and bring back.. some candies :P
sweet! sounds great
Have a good time Bart! :)
Success for the exhibition! If you give a man one fish he can eat for one day, but if you learn him how to fish he'll eat a lifetime. Make Blender known to the world and learn them about Blender!
He'll eat a lifetime?
Hey, that's great news! How about setting up a PayPal Donate link so we can help support the bandwidth costs to ensure we can maintain the video content?
If people donated just a few dollars it should make a big difference. Any overages can go to the Blender Foundation.
Have a great time!
who mee ?? :D Muh ha ah hahah ah h ha
soon boston soon... aw fudge more train rides
Hey! Hook me up with some free tickets, I can make the drive down.
I live for Blender news!!
thanks for this, and the Blendernation. Hey I would click a donate button! ;)
A videoblog would be fantastic! be sure to get comments from people who have never seen blender in action before and who aren't open source fanatics like many of us. I would really love to hear what they think of blenders current state...
Oh i forgot to ask what blender version you intend to show at Siggraph? I guess it would be 2.42, but will you also show future functions like that SharpConstruct-paint-function and the Cloth modifier?
That's up to Ton. I would expect 2.42 but maybe we'll bring some CVS builds with us as well. You don't want to give demonstrations with unstable software though :)
hehe, no you wouldn't want to pull a win95 on a big show like that :) But maybe you could make (if there is time) a small demostration video to show people what the future of blender brings.
I undo my disguise and reveal myself, it is I, the third man! I too am very excited, just can't wait. This is the second time and it's such an experience. I too hope to shoot my camera full of people-having-lots-of-fun shots. Er... I mean serious people attending a very serious conference ;)
See you all there!
PS Bart is that an actual picture of the plane you booked for us?! :)
Looking forward to meeting all the other blenderheads there! I think my schedule for arriving and leaving looks about the same. See you all there! Now to get back to work on a small bit of animation for the demo reel.
Enjoy it !!!!!! ;)
I am going too! See you there...
Wybren? But you don't even use blender to render! :P
Have great fun guys.
party registrations for you guys, most with free food and drinks...
BOF meet-greet-drink extravaganza
Autodesk: Maya
Shake 'n' Final
party registrations for you guys, most with free food and drinks...
BOF meet-greet-drink extravaganza
Autodesk: Maya
Shake 'n' Final
Tuesday 1st August, 6:30pm @ New England Aquarium
Food, wine, beer and prizes.