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Workshop: Controlling Sound With the Blender Game Engine


FS_blender.jpgEnrike Hurtado and Andy Gracie are hosting a free three-day workshop at the Futuresonic 2006 festival in Manchester from Wednesday July 19th - Friday July 21st. They will be exploring the possibilities of using 3D environments as tools for sound generation, synthesis and control.

Here's the programme:

19 july (11.00 – 17.00)

  • introduction to the themes of the workshop
  • quick 3D modelling with Blender
  • Blender game engine and game logic; sensors, controllers and actuators audio in Blender

20 july (11.00 – 17.00)

  • Python
  • functions, variables and control structures
  • importing modules

21 july (11.00 – 17.00)

  • introduction to Pd with preprepared patches
  • open sound control objects in Pd
  • exploration / modification of Pd patches
  • setting up game characters to send OSC to Pd
  • creation of performance environment.

The workshop is free but if you want to go, you should book in advance. The details are on the workshop's webpage.

Did you ever do project with Blender that involved real-time sound processing or interaction? I'm sure we'd all love to hear about it!

Thanks to Thomas Kress for this lead.

About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. I hope there will also be some tutorials posted or something to learn.... ?
    Anyway it's a great initiative although I can't join.

  2. Yes, this workshop covers some material that I would love to see, so being on another continent as I am, video coverage of this would rock!

  3. I live in the UK; but unfortunately, no-where near manchester; :( so I'm another hoping for a video! - epat.

  4. I too want video coverage! Please please please! Sound in Blender is one of the things I've been screaming about since I started using it. I'm sooo happy to see this initiative.

  5. Thomas Vecchione on

    Agreed I would be very interested in this as well, unfortunatly I am booked solid for a good long while now, not that I could afford to go at the present time anyways;)

    In as far as projects with Realtime Audio Manipulation, Synthesis etc. I have done a few bordering on this in other programs (::COUGH::VIRTOOLS::COUGH::) but found their abilities far to limited for something like this in all truthfullness. I am slowly working my way through blender in hopes that I might be able to use it and its scripting to get a more capable access to resources to do this.


  6. Introducing myself as a Senior Scientific Visualiser - Virtual Reality Technology in Open Source.
    International Award Winner- "
    Macromedia UCON '96 "
    I am learning "DELTA 3D" as well as "Blender 3D"
    to develop - Virtual Encyclopedia for
    " Anatomy of MAN & MACHINE " in the form of Interactive Dynamic Movie.

    with Python scriting for ODE - open dynamic engine.

    Expect your co-operation & support in this regard.

  7. holy bimbam !!!

    OSC frees the world of VJ-ing. If they only put together a tutorial of this workshop! This could answer the open questions about integrating max psp, reactor, pd etc. and visualize their sounds. blender games acting as sequencer and modulator or simply as interactive screensaver. hurrey: DIY audio-visual installations :D

    we all `d like to see a way for our OS and a defined python version. if they poste they python scripts with some instruction? Manchester is so far away... and python selfteaching not so easy...

    happy blending, Marcel

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