futurehack writes:
Do you live in Los Angeles, USA? Are you a Blender professional, hobbyist or developer? Then join our super social LA.Blend user group to hang out with your peers, hear about amazing Blender based projects, and learn about new Blender features.
Hello LA Blenderheads! Spring is in the air, and the Blender 2.93 release is imminent. Let’s get together to be social, learn about new Blender 2.93 features (Geometry Nodes, EVEE DoF and Volumetrics, VFX & Video Features), and share our cool Blender centric projects that we’ve been working on.
A CG Cookie Citizen prize is available to a lucky winner who gives the best Blender 2.93 new feature presentation. This prize includes all the CG Cookie citizen training you can consume for 1 month. Just notify Stirling and I’ll add you to the agenda.