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Fluid Simulation in Blender


fluid 3As of version 2.40, Blender has an integrated Fluid simulator. It is the result of one of the Google Summer of Code projects. It allows you to define fluid bodies, obstacles and in- and outflow of fluids. The results are amazing but you should be prepared for some long and memory-hungry calculations, especially when you're using high-resolution meshes.

You can find the full documentation on the Blender Wiki, along with a few good tutorials to get you started:

Please note that there have been some changes in the GUI since these tutorials were written, so read these notes before you start.

About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. meangreenlizard on

    Yes, really good tutorials! I still got one question that came up when building the scene with
    the glass as obstruction: Is there any possibility to somehow aim the liquid at the glass,
    because when I tried that tutorial some of the liquid almost always landed on the floor
    instead of all inside the glass; I tried to reposition the liquid sphere but it didn't really
    help much. Any tips would be welcome!
    Greetz MGL

  2. The tutorial suggests limiting the number of frames and lowering the resolution to speed up testing. After that, it's just hard work :)

    "Step 13) Now we're ready to start simulating: first reduce the number of frames to e.g. 50. Then select the domain object again, and just hit bake for a low-res test simulation to check if the drop really hits the glass the way we want. Playback the animation (ALT-AKEY) and view it from different angles. It's probably a bit to slow - I ended up with a initial velocity for the drop of (0.2, 0.15, 0). Change and re-simulate until you think it's good. You might also want to reduce the simulation end time to 0.2. "

  3. i was looking at the tutorial and for some reason the pics won't show. is there a problem with the website or is it my computer?

  4. Thank you.
    That tuturial has finaly let me spill fluid in to a cup.
    I couldn't do that before and I still don't know why, but I can now.
    Before, the fluid just flowed at the top of the opening as if it solid and not hollow.

    You have all so lead me on to Blenders online Manual.
    I now know why the yaf-ray always crashed Blender apon rendering.
    I am now reading it and will learn everything about useing blender.

    Thank you again, I'm in your debt.

    P.S. Itreank, It is your browser.
    Ether it is text base or it is set to not download the pictuers.

    One other possability is that your browser dosint reconize the image format.
    If so then you could try one of these web browsers free.

    Opera and Mozzila don't show afew sites 100% correct, but these sites are few (WWW.3DState.Com), but bost vary impresive feateurs, espesialy Opera.

    Mozzila Fire Fox Salfer than explorer: Windows, others not 100% Known (Mac)
    Opera http://WWW.Opera.Org Salfest: Mac, Linix, Windows, Moble Phone, etc.
    Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 Salfer than traditional Explorers: Only for windows

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