LocoMatt composed this track and created an unusual audio visualization along with it in Blender. He shows how he achieved the effect, and shares the required script.
LocoMatt writes:
My new song and new audio visualizer done in Blender
Here's a tutorial showing how LocoMatt set up this scene - the Python script is available for download here.
If I get this correctly, which might not be the case, I have to copy the script in the text editor and then run it. But when I do that, it does not seem to work, I don't get those cubes as shown in the video, only an empty and an error message "Python script fail, look in the console for now..." Anyone knows why it's not working?
Check out this few lines of script
# left file chanel ("C:Foldermusic.flac" or "/media/music.ogg")
file_l = "/media/music.ogg"
# right file chanel
file_r = "/media/music.ogg"
Maybe you didn't changed location of sound. You should change the patch where is file that you want visualize.
Thank you, I have changed these lines but it's still not working. Maybe the problem is on my hand, python version or something, I'm gonna check.
If I get this correctly, which might not be the case, I have to copy the
script in the text editor and then run it. But when I do that, it does
not seem to work, I don’t get those cubes as shown in the video, only an
empty and an error message “Python script fail, look in the console for
now…” Anyone knows why it’s not working?
Nice mix and visualization! I have music I don't feel like making video for, but this would work great with some tweaking.
Ooh... I had no idea blender had a bpy.ops.graph.sound_bake() function!!! That is just great!
I can only... agree with you :)
Great idea - great done!
It works perfectly for me!
Thanks! That's cool because some people got problems :)
Great stuff I need this for using stuff thanks!
The Python script isn't available anymore..
Check out video description. There's new info.