RCRuiz has posted a hack that speeds up Photon Map rendering in Yafray a great deal. It's a bit thin on the details but it would seem that he stores the photon distribution in your scene so that you can quickly re-render it from any camera angle and position.
As long as you don't move any objects or lights this should work fine. For many types of fly-through animation, such as architectural walkthroughs, this will be a great timesaver.
The downloads and instructions can be found on Elysiun.
Hi B@rt, RCRuiz is also working on a PovRay exporter that uses the same technics of this yafray's hack, it can store the radiosity and photon data to be used on a walktrhow animation.
here is the elysiun post http://www.elysiun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=58027
Hi davidOmatic, In the blenpov I simple use the radiosity and phothon recording that is include on standar Pov. I did not have to hack the code to do it ;)
Un Saludo