AnimToolBox is an add-on that adds a long list of small, but very helpful tools for animators. Tal Hershkovich announces the latest update.
An overview of (almost) all the current tools.
Recent tools that were added
Bake to Temp IK - Bake your selected controls animation into a temporary single or multiple IK Setups. Useful for quick editing of raw motion capture data, like fixing the feets to the ground. Cleaning curves in IK mode, and having temporary setups that are not available in your current rig but necessary for a certain action, like having fingers or elbows fixed to a table for example.
Here is a more detailed explanation of Temp IK:
Relative Selections - Selects Temp Controls or the constrained bones related to the current selection, Or select All Temp Controls/Constraints.
Interactive Keyframes offset - is now using an interactive slider for a non-destructive workflow.
World Space inbetweener - This is similar to copy/paste world matrix but works as an in-betweener.
Value of one is the world matrix position of the next keyframe. Value of minus one is the world matrix position of the previous position. Entering a value over the limits will push the pose.
Blend to Mirror - a slider for mirroring poses. Instead of using Blender's mirror pose, you can use this slider for mirroring but without having a complete symmetry.
Isolate Armature in pose mode - Isolated the Armature when going into pose mode from other Armatures. This is very useful when working with a lot of rigs in the scene and There are too many controls on the screen, it helps to isolate and view only the rig that is currently being animated.
And also Markers Retimer, Gizmo size hotkey, Markers frame ranger, Bake to (World Space) Ctrls, Quick Bake and Cleanup, Copy/Paste World Matrix, Copy/Paste Relative Matrix and Share keyframes.
The next step down the road map is to work on a new bake for temp controls, using a smart bake that will merge with the original action seamlessly, baking each temp controller in its own range, and with a better Temp IK pole vector integrated within the bake.
The most recent Animtoolbox with an auto updater can be purchased on the Blender Market, while a free older version (no auto updates) is available on GitHub.