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About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. campbell barton on

    Excellent work Chris!
    My only advice is sometimes people start this with a lot of enthusiasm and spare but eventually burn out.
    If you can produce something every 2 - 4 weeks and keep it up, you should be able to fit it into what will become a busy life ;)

  2. We're behind you from the UK camp.... well..... the Midlands camp...... well actually..... Leicester...... ok ok!!! so I don't know any Blender artists here in the UK yet. there there, I just don't know them yet......... they good at hiding from me and my stun gun....... But if I did know any.... they'd be behind you on this..... as are my own imaginary friends.

    OK OK!!!! so I lied! I don't have any imaginary friends as the one I had fell out with me and ran away......

    But anyway! Keep going! I'm all behind you on this..... well not actually behind you..... or you'd see me on the video..... but..... what? ..... eh? Oh right..... sorry....... good luck man!!! :)

  3. hahaha this is great. I can picture him and the Durlan team just having a blast. I think it'll be a great idea for him to document the next's open movie project so that the team can have more time and not worry about keeping the community up to date with what's going on, plus it should be a new refreshing attitude.

  4. this is what seperates blender from other 3d apps...

    3d is so serious it's such a breath of fresh air having someone making spoof videos of things like aprox ambient occlusion etc

    simply awesome!

  5. Whoa. Imagine a little floating Chris head in the corner that says "Type in a keyword to find a blog video to suit your needs."

  6. @Kadour: yes, the episodes will be posted right here.

    @AppleGrew: absolutely! We're serious about it. The only thing we're not sure about yet is the frequency - this is all up to Chris.

  7. Well, Blender is a software, a creation suite or what?

    I can understand, hardly but i can :), you have some fun with that, but honestly the buzz, the trend around
    Blender is boring and becoming simply stupid.

    Use Blender for art/creation/simulation/education and not to promote your "stand-up" ability and by the way, do something else, the life is short :).

  8. This is gonna be great! Chris has a wonderful fun way of presenting! I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited to hear of this news! Its almost like a Blender Update ;-) Oh this is is exciting! Congratulations Chris.

  9. Man, he tries way too hard to be funny. Personally I think Pauly Shore would be more entertaining to watch, and I hate Pauly Shore...

  10. Sounds like a great idea. And being blender-specific, makes blender stand out that much more.

    But, Chris, don't shirk your building duties...nudge, nudge.

  11. Awesome! :-) Thank you Chris. It's a breath of fresh air to see folks willing to take a shot, willing to take a risk - a trait *required* of artists I've believed for some time. I wish I could be like that more often than I am. Your humor is wonderful - Blenda Naaaaaay-shun! I look forward to viewing more of your work. Thanks again, from a grateful Blender community member!

  12. Ah, my favorite past time. Replying to comments on blendernation with little @ symbols.

    @campbell barton
    Ah, yes. Frequency. Did you know that I once did a movie everyday for 74 straight days? ... That's not going to happen again because I wound up with 60 fairly low quality movies.

    @Dave Collison
    There were problematic social happenings that prevented me from posting for an entire year. But that's over.

    @Thomas Vecchione
    I like to go off script.. a lot. But having a script vastly improves efficiency.

    The full version had Blender-O's but that was slashed out of the project early on.

    YES! I'm glad someone got it. I was inspired by Alton Brown even more than Bill Nye.

    If I don't have a background I'll have to appear in a void.

    "spoof videos" ? I don't understand.

    The paper clip of blender? Now, that's some scary territory. ;)

    Really happen? I sure hope so. I didn't just post the UI to my bathroom mirror for nothing. Which is still there by the way.

    The Scripts section of Chris World should help with that.

    Whoa there there's an s on the end of my last name ;)
    Chris Stones

    Since I somehow managed to stumble into an audience I now have extra incentive to make 'good' videos.

    Blender update? I don't think I'm written in C though.


    The PPC binaries must live!

    Sadly, on the web I am at a disadvantage because I'm a guy.

  13. hrmm sry but why should I look at this guy talking about himself? If he makes good tutorials, then it's ok and everybody can thank him for that, but until now it's an egocentrics diary. hmm I'm so cool look at me. Sorry if this sounds rood, it's actually meant quite friendly.

  14. Cheers mate!

    It's great to see the community 'evolve' in such ways and i really agree with what you said, it's good to see some friendly faces around, not just text (or voices).

    I will follow along shortly with real production movies (tutorials or timelapses).

  15. LOL! Chris definitely brought out a smile on my face! :)

    To you naysayers negative-nannies out there I´ve got something to say to you:

    1) It takes guts to put yourself up for grabs like that.
    2) It´s EXTREMELY hard to be a "TV-Face", what would you say?
    3) He´s like that - uncensored, not trying to put on a face, maybe he´s
    trying to be funny - and he actually makes me laugh and smile TWICE during
    that short, and believe me - thats HARD...I don´t laugh around that easily, so
    what can I say, the guy´s got SPUNK...he may need some polishing...

    ...but trust me - IT WILL COME!

    Let him do his stuff!

    Chris - Welcome aboard, it will be a lot of fun to have you around, and I´ll
    watch along with a lot of other users when you do your Blender stuff!


  16. Let's get Chris a backdrop from Elephant's Dream! They've got to have some posters left around somewhere. They can't have put them all up in the Blender Institute. Hmm, maybe he'd look better with a Peach backdrop!

  17. @dusty - Man I thought I was wacked, gotta love your world, oh yes, my imagenary friend left me aswell, claimed I was paying more attention to frog licking. And similar to the UK, I just cant find any Blenderers here in SA. MMM, chockolate...

  18. JoOngle: Take a look at youtube, you'll see that's very common.
    You don't need "guts" to be ridiculous.

    We don't care about your teenager-life, you cooliness, or whatever. Don't use the "Blender buzz" to
    promote your idiocy.

    Damn, what's the next step? A jackass band using blender to burn their computer?

  19. @Omar: while admittedly, such use of blender would have pissed me 2, I have seen other works Chris has done and that is not the case; maybe its because he introduces himself here or something , but trust Chris, the next webisodes will be about blender (erm.. sortof?)

  20. Geez...

    @Omar: You're right, life is short...too short to spend telling other people what to do because YOU happen to dislike or disagree with something. I happened to like the video a lot, and suggesting someone would use Blender as a vehicle for supporting their own comedy makes me worry slightly about what a removed perspective you have from something as simple as posting an online video.

    I clearly missed out on the pop-culture phenomenon that linked humorous presentations on 3D applications with vast mainstream success. Maybe now that Chris has Blender behind him he'll finally topple lonelygirl15 off her lofty perch, that arrogant bitch! And then, who knows, but I think Will Ferrell should be looking out. And to think, without Blender's immense influence on the universe as a whole, NOBODY would find this kid funny. It's a good thing we have you, Omar, to point out how frivolous we are.

    Being funny, presentable and likeable on the screen IS difficult, whatever you may think, and people who make their living doing it get their fair share of haters, so I guess I should expect a couple on a blog like this and just ignore it, but man, what inane criticisms.

    It's not like he's just signed a contract with a broadcasting company; lighten up ;)

    In any case, I don't find the buzz around Blender 'boring' or 'stupid'. Pointless trolling by negative people, on the other hand, I most definitely do.

  21. Hey Chris!

    Congrats on the Blendernation TV channel! This is just what we needed. (ignore the bad press.... don't they know that critics give bad reviews, not bad previews!).

    Funny thing is, when I saw your last video, I thought "this guy should have his own program!" and now it's true.

    Look forward to your wise ramblings.......

  22. If I can watch a funny video that teaches a little about Blender each time, I will.

    Perhaps a warning next to every video link so that Omar will know not to watch it.

    Good Luck Chris!

  23. YES! AWESOME! I hadn't seen any of Chris' videos before this post. I went on his blog and just checked out tons of them. GREAT! He has a very unique sense of humor and presents stuff in an exciting way, I'm checking this site constantly to see when he'll get more vids out.

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